How to Store Dresses: A Comprehensive and Instructive Guide

Last updated on June 23, 2024

Storing dresses correctly is vital for maintaining their form and prolonging wearability, because even the most luxurious ensemble can diminish if stored poorly; discover effective methods in the ensuing discussion.

dress garment bags

Key takeaways:

  • Edit your collection: Remove unworn or ill-fitting dresses.
  • Sort by season: Store lightweight fabrics for spring/summer separately.
  • Each dress gets its own hanger: Use padded or wooden hangers to avoid wrinkles.
  • Use straps to secure dress shape: Look for hangers with notches or clips.
  • Clean clothes before storage: Treat stains and ensure garments are spotless.

Edit Your Collection

edit your collection

Before tucking away dresses, take a moment to evaluate what you own. Begin by removing each dress from your closet and assessing its condition and how often you wear it. If a dress hasn’t been worn in the last year or doesn’t fit, consider donating it to create additional space. This decluttering step not only streamlines your wardrobe but also ensures that the storage space is efficiently used for the items you truly love and wear.

With the unwanted items out of the way, you’ll have a clearer idea of what needs storing and can allocate resources accordingly. Remember, a streamlined collection results in a more organized storage system.

Sort Skirts and Dresses By Season

sort skirts and dresses by season

Organizing your wardrobe according to the four seasons simplifies both storage and retrieval. Lightweight, airy fabrics such as linen and cotton are well-suited for spring and summer and should be placed at the forefront of your closet when warmer months approach.

Conversely, as temperatures drop, rotate these items to a less accessible spot, making room for heavier knits, woolens, and layered pieces that cater to autumn and winter. This transition not only protects delicate summer dresses from potential damage during the off-season but also declutters your space, ensuring you can easily find and select outfits without the hassle of sifting through out-of-season attire.

It’s a simple yet effective way to keep your closet functional and your dresses in their best condition year-round.

Each Dress Gets Its Own Hanger

each dress gets its own hanger

Allocating a separate hanger for each dress is critical in maintaining the garment’s shape and preventing wrinkles. Wire hangers can deform the shoulders of your dresses, so opt for padded or wooden hangers instead, as they provide better support for the fabric.

If the dress has loops for hanging, make sure to use them to relieve pressure on the material. For strapless dresses, choose hangers with clips to secure the garment by the waist and prevent it from slipping off. Remember to leave a little space between hangers in your closet to allow for air circulation and to prevent crushing delicate fabrics.

Use Straps to Make Sure Your Dress Is Properly Fitted

use straps to make sure your dress is properly fitted

Ensuring that your dress maintains its shape and structure is crucial. Look for hangers with notches or clips that can hold the straps of your dresses. This prevents the garment from slipping off and wrinkling or stretching out of shape.

If your hanger doesn’t have clips or straps, small rubber bands can be gently looped around the hanger’s ends and the straps to secure them in place. Additionally, for strapless dresses, consider using hangers with clips that gently grip the top of the garment without causing fabric damage. Avoid using metal hangers or clips that can leave rust marks or creases on delicate materials. Wooden or padded hangers are ideal choices to maintain the integrity of your dress over time.

Take Stained Dresses and Skirts to the Dry Cleaners

Before you tuck your garments away, addressing any stains is crucial. Natural fibers such as silk or wool can deteriorate over time if stains are left untreated.

Here are quick pointers:

  • Identify the stain: Know what caused it to determine the best treatment.
  • Act promptly: Fresh stains are easier to remove, so don’t delay the trip to the cleaners.
  • Choose professionals: Expert dry cleaners have the right solvents and techniques for delicate fabrics.
  • Avoid DIY: Home remedies might set the stain permanently or damage the fabric.
  • Inform the cleaner: Let them know any details about the stain for a targeted approach.
  • Regular inspections: Check on stored items periodically to catch any new spots or spills.

Ensuring your dresses are stain-free before storage can significantly extend their lifetime and condition.

Remove Dresses and Skirts From Dry Cleaning Bags for Storage

Once your items return from the dry cleaner, it’s key to take them out of the provided plastic bags. The thin, plastic material is designed for short-term protection and can trap moisture leading to mildew or cause the yellowing of fabrics over time.

Instead, transfer your garments to cloth bags or hang them uncovered in a closet that allows for air circulation. This measure will help maintain the quality and longevity of your dresses and skirts, ensuring they remain in pristine condition for whenever you choose to wear them next.

For those concerned about dust, breathable fabric garment bags are an excellent alternative, as they safeguard against dust while still allowing moisture to escape.

Store Suede and Leather Garments With Care

Suede and leather require special attention to prevent damage. When storing these items, avoid plastic bags which can cause humidity buildup and encourage mold growth. Instead, opt for breathable fabric garment bags that allow air circulation.

It’s important to keep these garments away from direct sunlight and heat sources to prevent fading and drying out. If hanging is necessary, use padded hangers to preserve the shape and prevent creases, especially for heavier items. For the best upkeep, consider placing these garments in a cool, dark place with a consistent temperature.

Regularly check on them and condition the leather periodically to maintain their quality over time.

Clean Clothes Before Storage

Ensuring your garments are spotless before tucking them away is crucial. Dirt and oils can set into the fabric over time, causing discoloration and attracting pests. Even if an item appears clean, unseen body oils and perspiration can result in yellowing.

For delicate or embellished garments, consider professional cleaning. For sturdy fabrics, a gentle wash cycle or hand washing with appropriate detergents is sufficient. Make sure the dresses are completely dry before storage to prevent mold and mildew.

Remember, invisible stains from deodorants or perfumes may surface after some time, so addressing these beforehand is wise. Pre-storage cleaning is not just about aesthetics—it’s a preventative measure to maintain the integrity of your dresses.

Choose Appropriate Containers for Storage

Selecting the right containers is essential to preserve the quality of your dresses during storage. Opt for breathable options such as canvas storage boxes, which prevent mildew by allowing air circulation.

For delicate fabrics, acid-free tissue paper can be used to line the container or to stuff dresses to help them maintain their shape.

Avoid plastic bins for long-term storage as they can trap moisture, leading to damage. If using vacuum-seal bags, limit their use to short-term storage and for less delicate items, as they can compress and misshape the garments over time.

Clear storage containers can be helpful to identify contents easily, but ensure they are kept away from direct sunlight to prevent color fading.

Protect Clothes From Bugs and Moisture

Ensuring your dresses remain pristine means safeguarding them against common threats like insect damage and dampness.

Mothballs are a traditional defense against bugs, but for a more pleasant scent, consider using cedar blocks or lavender sachets which naturally repel insects.

Moreover, for those opposed to the smells or potential chemical effects of traditional methods, pheromone traps can attract and capture moths without the use of insecticides.

Moisture, on the other hand, requires a different approach.

Silica gel packets are excellent at absorbing excess humidity and can be placed within storage containers to help keep dresses dry.

Be sure to replace these packets periodically to maintain effectiveness.

Additionally, refrain from storing dresses in basements or attics where humidity levels tend to fluctuate, unless these areas are climate-controlled.

Lastly, ensure good air circulation around your garments to prevent any musty odors or mildew growth.

This can be as simple as not packing dresses too tightly together and occasionally airing them out on a sunny day to keep them fresh and dry.

Select an Appropriate Storage Location

Consider the environment where you’ll be storing your garments. A cool, dry, and dark space is ideal to prevent fabrics from fading and to reduce the risk of mold or mildew. Avoid areas near windows where sunlight can stream in, and stay away from basements or attics unless they are climate-controlled. Keeping away from external walls can also help buffer your dresses from temperature fluctuations.

Ensure the space is clean and free from pests to avoid any unwanted damage. If you’re short on closet space, under-the-bed storage can be a clever alternative, given that you use the right protective storage containers. Remember, the goal is to maintain the integrity and appearance of your clothes while keeping them accessible for when they’re next in line to dazzle.

Use Garment Bags for Long-term Storage

For optimal preservation, consider breathable garment bags when you plan to store dresses for extended periods. These bags protect your clothing from dust, light, and pests, common culprits of fabric damage. Look for bags made of cotton or canvas, as these materials allow air circulation, preventing moisture buildup and mildew. Avoid plastic, which can trap humidity and cause discoloration or fabric decay.

When placing the dress inside the bag, ensure it’s neatly hung on a padded hanger to maintain shape without stretching the fabric. Additionally, avoid overcrowding your storage space. Overstuffing can lead to wrinkling and fabric stress. Providing each dress with enough room preserves its form and prevents creasing.

Regularly check on your stored dresses, ensuring they remain in a pristine state, ready for their next outing.

Prepare Garments for Long-term Storage

Before you tuck away dresses for extended periods, ensure they’re in the best possible condition. Confirm that each item is clean and completely dry to prevent mold and mildew growth. For fabrics prone to wrinkling, such as silk or linen, iron or steam them beforehand. Fix any small tears or loose buttons to avoid future damage.

Next, fold heavier garments instead of hanging to avert stretching or distortion. Use acid-free tissue paper to layer between folds, which helps to maintain the shape and prevent creases. For delicate or embellished dresses, wrap them in cotton sheets or muslin to allow the fabric to breathe while providing protection from dust and light, which can cause fading.

Lastly, consider slipping a lavender sachet or cedar block into the storage container to keep moths at bay naturally. Remember, never use plastic bins for long-term fabric storage as they trap moisture; opt for breathable containers or specially designed storage boxes.

Store Day-to-day Essentials Accessibly

Having your most-worn dresses within easy reach saves time and keeps your wardrobe functional. Hang these go-to items at eye level or on an easily accessible rack in your closet. When arranging, consider employing the “first in, first out” principle, cycling dresses to the front after each wash, ensuring you’re regularly rotating your wardrobe.

For drawer storage, folding these essentials neatly prevents wrinkles and facilitates quick identification. Transparent storage boxes can be useful for viewing options at a glance, ensuring a smooth selection process for those busy mornings or quick changes. Remember to leave a little space between garments to avoid crushing and to maintain their shape.

Monitor Moisture and Climate Conditions in Storage Areas

Maintaining the right moisture levels is crucial to prevent mold and mildew from ruining your dresses. Keep a watchful eye on the humidity in your storage space, aiming for a range of about 40-50% which is ideal for fabric preservation. Hygrometers are inexpensive tools that can help you track humidity levels accurately.

Consider using a dehumidifier if you live in a humid climate or if spaces like basements register high humidity. Conversely, in dry areas, a humidifier can add necessary moisture to the air to avoid fabric becoming brittle.

Temperature fluctuations also play a part and should be minimized. Extreme changes can lead to fibers expanding and contracting, which may cause damage over time. A stable, cool temperature is generally best.

Circulation is another ally in the battle against moisture. Avoid cramming your dresses into tight spaces; instead, allow air to circulate freely around them to further discourage the growth of mildew and pests.

Lastly, for added protection, consider using silica gel packets or cedar balls in your storage containers, which can absorb excess moisture and provide a fresh, natural scent. Keep in mind these might need to be replaced or recharged periodically to remain effective.


How should you store dresses?

For optimal preservation, dresses should be stored in cloth garment bags or acid-free, sturdy cardboard boxes lined with tissue paper, avoiding plastic for long-term storage.

Can I store dresses folded?

Yes, dresses can be stored folded for the long term when blue tissue paper is inserted inside every fold to prevent creases.

What type of storage containers are recommended for dresses?

Garment bags, suitcases, cloth storage boxes, and vacuum seal bags are generally recommended for storing dresses.

Is it necessary to use moth balls when storing dresses for a long period?

While not strictly necessary, using mothballs when storing dresses for a long period can help prevent damage from pests such as moths and beetles.

Does the fabric type affect how a dress should be stored?

Yes, the fabric type significantly influences how a dress should be stored.
