4 Things to Have in Mind When Choosing Your New HVAC

Last updated on July 14, 2024

You might be considering getting a new HVAC for your home or office. A new HVAC can be very expensive, especially if you are purchasing a new air conditioner. When it comes to purchasing anything, especially something like an HVAC system, it’s important to make sure that you get what you pay for.

With these four things in mind, you will have a better idea of what to look for when it comes to finding the perfect system for your needs! 


hvac size

The first thing that you want to think about when you are thinking of getting a new HVAC is the size. When choosing the proper size for your air conditioner, it is important to know what type of space you will be cooling. Determining square footage can sometimes be a challenge, but once you have that number, you can calculate the proper size for your HVAC which is also beneficial when you want to repair it in the future.

As for HVAC repair, you can find useful information on this website that will help you out. Make sure that you know whether or not this will be a new system for your home or if it is replacing an old unit in your “coke ovens”, as these units are typically measured in BTUs. 

Size Calculator

If it is a new system, you will want to install the proper size heating and cooling units. By choosing an HVAC that is too big or even worse – one that is too small – you are just inviting problems into your home. If you have an HVAC that is too small, there are efficient ways to heat your home, but if it is too big, then you will be spending more money than necessary on energy bills. With the properly sized system for your home or office, you will have a comfortable living space with lower utility bills!

SEER Rating

energy efficient hvac

The second thing that you want to look for when purchasing a new HVAC is the SEER rating. The SEER rating refers to the Seasonal Energy Efficiency Ratio and it measures how efficiently your air conditioner operates as well as its energy consumption. For each unit, there is a minimum requirement for efficiency, so be sure that you are choosing the highest rating possible. The higher the number, the more efficient it is!

When purchasing a new system, many homeowners look at other factors rather than how much energy will be used to keep their living space cool. For example, some homeowners choose equipment based on price or appearance instead of considering efficiency and SEER ratings. With the proper equipment, you can save on energy bills each month.

Energy Star Rating

Another great feature that is worth looking for when you are choosing a new HVAC system is the Energy Star rating. Energy Star ratings show how much energy will be used by your unit and it also indicates the levels of efficiency to expect from this heating or cooling system. When you have a highly efficient HVAC, you will not only save on your monthly energy bills but you can also expect to save thousands of dollars over the lifetime of this unit!

Energy Star rated equipment is typically more expensive than standard equipment, but for homeowners who are looking long-term and want quality insulation in their homes, they can expect to save more money and enjoy a comfortable living space.


The last thing that you will want to consider when choosing an HVAC is the warranty of the equipment that you are buying.

Arlington County locals understand how costly it can be to often call HVAC repair Fairfax, VA services, which is why it’s important to invest in quality equipment. You will want to make sure that the company you choose has a good warranty on their products and that they stand behind their products.

A longer warranty indicates that there is confidence in the product as well as how it performs over time, which is why it is one of the most important components of a new system.

With an extensive warranty, you can enjoy your home for all different purposes without worrying about how far your HVAC will last. In addition to choosing a long warranty period, it is also extremely important to have regular maintenance done on this unit so that it continues to operate efficiently and effectively throughout its lifetime. A warranty also ensures that you are covered in the case of repairs.

When you are looking at getting a new HVAC for your home or office, there are four things that you need to have in mind before purchasing – size, the SEER rating, Energy Star rating, and warranty length. When you have these four things in mind before going shopping, you will be ready to make a wise decision instead of purchasing something and then feeling disappointed with your decision after it is too late. With these things in mind, you should feel more confident when looking at purchasing a new HVAC system for your home or office. 

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