What Should New Homeowners Know About Maintaining a House

Last updated on January 23, 2024

Not everybody’s fortunate enough to be able to buy their own house. Newspapers are currently reporting that younger people are finding it harder than ever before to get their feet up on the property ladder.

However, just because it’s difficult to get a house, that’s not to say that it’s impossible. Some industrious, motivated, and determined young people are scrimping and saving so that they can buy their own properties.

If you are one such individual, then before buying a house, you need to know about maintaining one. After all, it’s not cheap (or easy for that matter) to keep a house in order.

This post will explore this topic in more detail, explaining everything that new homeowners need to know about maintaining their very first house.

Professional Cleaning

house cleaners

A lot of people underestimate how difficult it can be to keep a house clean. Many people’s first homes end up deteriorating very quickly because they are unable to get on top of their daily chores.

Thankfully, you do not need to clean your house yourself, because you can hire home service specialists to do it for you. If you plan on hiring somebody to clean your house for you, then make sure that you read their reviews, and ensure that they are qualified and experienced. Ideally, the individual or company you hire should have positive online reviews.

Good reviews are a surefire way of guaranteeing that the person or company you’re hiring is worth working with.

Home Warranty

home warranty types

When you buy a house, it’s probably not going to come with any appliances. Usually, you have to supply your own appliances, i.e., your fridge, oven, cooker, hob, and washing machine.

When you do buy appliances, you need to make sure that you take care of them. Home insurance is one way of protecting them against accidental damage.

However, if they break because there’s some kind of internal fault, your insurance won’t cover you. A home warranty, on the other hand, will. Taking out a home warranty will ensure if anything happens to your home’s appliances, you’re financially covered.

Home Insurance

home warranty

As mentioned in the previous section, home insurance protects against accidental damage. Home insurance also protects against theft. Insurance is definitely something that’s worth taking out. A lot of people do not take out insurance policies, sadly.

However, not taking out an insurance policy could be disastrous. There are many different types of home insurance policies and many different types of coverage.

Be sure to shop around and look for a policy that’s right for you. Find one that covers you for all inevitabilities. Make sure to get a natural disaster cover, too.

Performing Maintenance

You need to make sure that you perform maintenance when it’s necessary for you to do so. A lot of people make the mistake of only ever performing maintenance when it’s too late, as in after too much damage has occurred, and their home has started to deteriorate.

You should perform maintenance as soon as problems become manifest. One of the main reasons for this is that if you do not then eventually, more problems will emerge. Then, you will have to resolve multiple problems at once, which can be expensive, time-consuming, and very hard to manage.

Maintaining Value

Your main concern as a homeowner should be maintaining your home’s value. At the moment, property prices are high. Analysts predict that in the near future, they will fall. One way of ensuring your home’s value stays high (or that it appreciates) is to perform maintenance, repairs, and make renovations.

Making renovations and additions to your home will add to its value. You could consider building an extension. Extensions are very desirable. If you plan on adding an extension to your house, then make sure that you hire a professional company to do it for you. Hiring a professional company will mean that everything is done properly.

Hiring Contractors


As mentioned in the previous section, when renovations or updates need to be made, make sure that you hire professional contractors. The worst thing that you can do for your home is try to make repairs or changes yourself. When you do this, you can end up making things a lot worse. Making things worse will take away from your home’s value.

It’ll also mean that you have to pay more to have things fixed again in the future. Always research contractors before hiring them so you can be sure they are experienced and qualified.

New homeowners very rarely know how they are supposed to maintain their homes. Instead, they learn over time. If you are a homeowner, then you need to take the advice given here, so you can keep your house in good order.
